lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

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South Africa 2010 :: Participative leadership

by Toto Imperatore
Being used to see Maradona as an uncontrolled big mouth who is unable to hold a word and does not care the way he speaks, the first adjective that comes to one's mind is "arrogant". However, as a trainer, Diego is humble. He proved to be so once Argentina classificated to South Africa's World Cup: he thanked the players for having re-validated him as a coach. Diego still feels as a football player, so he fully identificates with his coachees. He tells Messi that he wants him to become greater than Maradona himself. He listens to every man in his team, both from the technical staff and from the troop of players, and assimilates everybody's contributions. Together with Mancuso and Enrique, the three of them think colectively of decisions to be made. Diego does not feel ashamed if he has to pick somebody else's proposal. He talks to his players and his players talk to him. His dialogue with Verón is frequent during the matches, whether the midfielder is in the field or sitting on the bench. Maradona talks of training shifts as sessions in which collective ellaboration takes place: he says "we discussed", "we realized". "we prepared this or that" instead of "I told them", "I explained them" or "I put them to exercise this or that".

Decisions that have to do with material resolution are delegated by Diego to his players. When he chose the backs he prioritized experience above youth and speed. Heinze, Samuel, Demichelis, Burdisso if it is his turn, deliberate and make decisions on the field. Mascherano participates in such brief brainstorms too; to put things in order he swaps verbal and gestual messages with team-mates at his back or ahead of him during the matches. In free and corner kicks there are quick exchanges among players in which they choose what to do. Deliberation does not mean dilation or hesitation. Strong links of mutual respect between them all bring such processes rapidly to converge to useful decisions.

The managing style Maradona has inaugurated is far aside the method-and-obedience style of most football coaches. It is participative leadership. It does not only seem to work; it seems to make Diego happy, and his players too. How much does happiness worth?
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